Sunday, June 21, 2009

{Happy Father's Day}


So in celebration here are my our top ten reasons why Chad is The World’s Best Daddy. (Sorry you can’t ALL have our daddy! :)

To My Babies Daddy:

10. When Chad and I were dating when the occasional subject of children would come up he was all gung-ho. We never really talked about a number we just knew that we would want children. (His only stipulation was NO only children – how rude!) Anyways, Chad talked about wanting to still be young when we did have children so that he could be at every t-ball game, ballet recital and school function. While we haven’t quite made it to that stage in our kids lives yet (but Ella does start “school” in September – SQUEE!) I don’t doubt that he will one bit. He has ALWAYS put our family and family time first and I know he takes that very seriously.

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9. Every time he comes in the house we get hugs and kisses – there really is nothing that can make all of the bad parts of your day go away like hugs and kisses.

8. He will take Ella Grace anywhere and I have a feeling that it will be the same when the little cowboy gets here. He never acts like kids are a burden and he loves being around her. It goes the same for our friends kids. He’s good with them. They LOVE him!

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7. Ella Grace is a girl. And she is JUST like her daddy. Same facial expressions, same mannerisms, same attitude, you get the idea. I act like it annoys me to death that the only thing that I did for that child was carry her for 100 41 weeks but I think it is the most precious thing that I have ever seen.


6. He knows every word to the opening credits of "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse," "Diego," "Dora," and "The Wunderpets." As well as classics like Def Leppard and Van Halen.

5. He is a very patient father. He can put a little girl in the chair in her room (while she’s having a MAJOR meltdown), walk to the doorway and without making any eye contact stand there for 2 minutes until she’s done. It’s amazing how when he brings her out her eyes are shining and she’s once again the precious smiling little girl we all love.

4. He definantly got Daddy’s Little Girl when Ella Grace was born. You should have seen the way those two looked at each other for the very first time. And, it hasn’t stopped yet.


3. He would move heaven and earth to make us all happy. And he does on a daily basis.Thank.You.

2. I love it when I hear friends of ours say “He’s such a GREAT daddy.” Because Ella knows it, I know it and it does my heart good to see that others know it too! You are the BEST daddy!

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1. His girls can talk him into anything. He’ll watch a good chick flick cartoon with the best of them.

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Happy Father's Day, Mister.
You're better at this than I could have ever imagined.

We Love You,

Meredith, Ella Grace & The Little Guy

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