I’ve read Kristen over at We are THAT Family for awhile now and I always enjoy the things that she has to say. Today I enjoyed a list that she made up of 100 Ways for your Family to Make a Difference. What a great thing to do as a family, what a wonderful way to teach the kids how to make a difference (big or small) – Thanks Kristen for the inspiration!
- Babysit for a single mom
- Teach compassion with a Family Giving Box
- Write a Family Mission Statement
- Bake cookies for your local fire dept.
- Pick up trash at local park as a family field trip
- Create snack packs for Ronald McDonald residents
- Welcome a new family to the neighborhood with a dessert and introduction
- Pray for the poor of the world
- Color a Smile-print coloring page to be given to lift someone in need up
- Make a baby care kit for a baby in need
- Take time each week to unplug as a family
- Donate your time or treasure to the Make a Wish Foundation
- Appreciate your church staff in some small, tangible way
- Do yard work for an elderly neighbor
- Make a Life Book for a child in Foster Care
- Read You Were Made to Make A Difference as a family
- Volunteer to cuddle babies at the hospital (older kids/teens are often allowed also)
- Read Christmas Jars as family
- Save loose change in a jar and give to a needy family at Christmas
- Take a family volunteering vacation
- Stop and say thank you to grocery clerks, waitresses. Ask them how they are doing.
- Become a monthly sponsor to help pregnant girls in Kenya
- Make a birthday cake for an underpriviledged child
- Serve at home: make each other’s beds, clean up someone else’s mess
- Write thank you notes to people who serve you: postman, yard guy, doctor, etc
- Sponsor a child monthly (cannot recommend enough)
- Make relief kits for disaster relief victims
- Sew a sleeping bag for someone in need (easy pattern)
- Volunteer at a non-profit
- Make up some Hygiene Bags to pass out to local homeless people
- Take your family on a tour of Red Cross
- Put a monthly date on the calendar for a Family Service Night
- Take a meal to a new family
- Create a card for Habitat for Humanity new home owner
- Encourage your older children to be a Mother’s Helper to a mom with young kids
- Fill a backpack to help give a homeless person a lift up
- Make birthday cards and deliver them to a local nursing home monthly
- Donate books to Africa
- Take your kids to a local Food Pantry with canned goods to donate
- Deliver food for Meals on Wheels
- Pray as a family on a regular basis for the people in your life.
- Donate your hair to Locks of Love.
- Give blood. (Take your kids with you and explain the importance).
- Donate nice toys to cancer ward at a Children’s Hospital
- Buy a mosquito net and help prevent malaria
- Randomly celebrate each other with a special treat, meal, time
- Donate school supplies to a classroom in need
- Compliment and thank the teachers in your life
- Buy a soccer ball for a child in poverty
- Give a used bike to a homeless person
- Donate coloring books/crayons to hospital emergency rooms
- Host a 40 hour famine in your home (fast something!)
- Give clothes to a family in need (call your church/school to find one)
- Read to a special needs child
- Only drink water for 2 weeks, give proceeds for clean water
- Buy a goat for a family in extreme poverty
- Give a donation in someone’s name to an organization you believe in
- Send your used shoes to Reuse-a-Shoe
- Become Certified Respite Caregivers to give Foster Family’s a babysitting
- Decorate a Christmas tree at an elderly person’s house
- Hold a collection drive: makeup, lotions, etc for women at a shelter
- Find a Food Bank near you to volunteer
- Deliver popcicles to children at a homeless shelter
- Offer your pet for therapy to the elderly
- Decorate nursing home rooms of residents with homemade art
- Have regular “family nights” with games, ice cream, time together
- Visit the NICU with treats for the doctors and anxious parents
- Write to unsponsored children
- Read to patients at a local hospital
- Plan a family missions trip
- Bake cookies, host a bake sale and donate money to the poor or a cause
- Volunteer at a local animal shelter
- Plant a garden and share the produce
- Hold a drive for lightly-used stuffed animals for police stations SAFE program
- Write letters to servicemen
- Give a micro loan and change a family in a third world country
- Smile. At everyone.
- Make care packages for children in the hospital
- Instead of a birthday gifts, ask for donations for a charity or food for a food pantry
- Shop fair trade
- Offer to decorate hospital hallways during the holidays
- Ask your city about volunteering to remove graffiti
- Host a Lemon-AID stand and donate proceeds Blood Water
- Make no-sew fleece blankets for Hospice
- Collect pencils for African children
- Send a care package to our military
- Read the Bible together as a family every day
- Collect shoes for Shoes for Kids (started by an 11 year old girl)
- Let kids choose a charity to donate to for one of their Christmas gifts
- Become a foster family
- Pay for someone’s drink in Starbuck’s drive-thru. Make sure your kids enjoy the act of kindness.
- Help your kids starts a neighborhood or school Bible Study with their peers
- Volunteer to plant flowers for your school/church flowerbeds
- Make a Care Bag for a child in need
- Adopt a child
- Welcome home a hero at the airport
- Complain less
- Start a Kindness Club with your family
- Let your light shine!
- Look for opportunities to be the difference in someone’s life
- Host a virtual food drive
- Start a KidzRap on your street!
- Purchase gifts through families fundraising for adoption.
- Make a quilt for NICU familes
- Pay the toll for the car behind you.
How else can we make a difference?
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