Tuesday, December 15, 2009

{O’ Christmas Tree}



To Make Your Own Christmas Tree You’ll Need:

1 Sugar Cone

Green Icing (We used white icing with green food coloring added)

Asst. Candies – Sprinkles, M&M’s, Skittles, Gumdrops, etc.

Paper Plate

Hot Glue Gun


1. Put a bead of hot glue around the edge of the cone and flip over and hold onto the paper plate. Let stand for several minutes until the cone is attached good.

2. Now it’s the fun part: Get your green icing and using the back of a plastic spoon spread it all over the ice cream cone.

3. Once the “tree” is covered start adding the “ornaments” of your choosing. (Gumdrops make a great star)

4. Try and keep the little fingers from eating ALL of the decorations before they make it to the tree.

5. Enjoy your Christmas Tree!

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