Monday, November 17, 2008

{Locks of Love}

On Friday I took the day off and had a day at the spa. It was much needed and appreciated. I turned my birthday weekend into a 4 day celebration. I started off with a massage and then had a pedicure. After my facial I had a manicure, my mom and Ella brought me lunch before I sat in the chair to have my washed and styled.

My friend Hayli was styling my hair and I told her I had been thinking about cutting it. I showed her a picture and fear spread across her face...she didn't want a mad husband hunting her down afterwards. We laughed, joked and moved on until I asked her what the requirements were for Locks of Love she told me and I asked her to measure my hair to see if I even had enough. We washed, we measured and then she cut - 10 1/2 inches.

*My partners in Crime*

It's for a good cause - it's just hair it will grow back. Although I'm not sure I want it too. It's really easy and takes hardly any time in the mornings.

What do you think?

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